Which Books?

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Knowledge and understanding is the key to success!

There are no short cuts to this new career goal you have and you can make it an easy journey or a very difficult and costly one.

Driving instructors need a very good understanding not only of the Highway Code but also of roadcraft and vehicle handling skills. As qualified drivers you should have a head start but when was the last time you had your own driving skills assessed? Or picked up the Highway Code?

Sounds great becoming your own boss and working the hours you want but it will take dedication and an awful lot of quality study time to realise that dream!

What do I mean by Quality study time?study

Libraries are quiet places for a reason! Peace and quiet allow people to read the books they choose but imagine what it would be like trying to read if everyone was doing so out loud at the same time?

Dedicating so many hours a day or a week as study time is fantastic. However, it needs to be quality time without distractions and needs to be well structured. You need to put in place a schedule of what you want to learn and the order you want to learn it. Make sure you have all the correct literature to hand along with any notepads, pens and pencils. Saves wasting time trying to find things!

Keep the study time in small blocks with plenty of breaks so you have a chance to absorb more knowledge. When those words start blending together or the eyes start squinting the time you are using is being wasted as you will not take things fully on board. It is important that you understand what you are learning and not simply playing a memory game.

glassEverything you learn from books, the internet. From videos and any other resources, you may use will help you throughout the qualifying process for your new chosen career. Short cuts do not work and skimping on that study time will cause troubles as you progress. The tests you need to pass do not come cheap so you will want to pass them with ease and at the first attempt.

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